Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Approaching Cross Over

Even the most controversial items facing the GA this session are failing to generate passion or outrage by the special interests groups supporting or opposing these bills.

I ponder the question: why the malaise? I might be missing something, but I don't see the usual cast of characters acting in character. Where's the pro-choice lobby? Where's the diametric opposition in the pro-life lobby?

Where are all the screaming masses from the Va Association of School Boards, Superitendents and Secondary School Principals? Where's the VEA?

In reflection and some analysis, has the focus on transportation (which will probably have very little to show for the effort) taken the "eye off the other balls" that usual swirl in the vortex of Virginia politics? It appears to this writer, it has.

Usually there are some pinnicle bills at cross over that serve as lightning rods for diametric opposition. Pssst...hear that? Nothing.

The Richmond correspondents from the media outlets must be pulling all of their hair out! Even my friend Bob Gibson of the Charlottesville-based Daily Progress has little to opine on! Bob! We hardly knew ya!

My fellow bloggers can't muster up the unmusterable (is that even a word?).

So...time to watch re-runs of 24 I guess...


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